What the UK election means for Ireland, Brexit and the union

The Irish Passport
The Irish Passport
What the UK election means for Ireland, Brexit and the union

The UK has voted for a Boris Brexit, and the future of the union has never seemed so fragile. What does the biggest Conservative majority in a generation mean for Ireland north and south? Naomi O’Leary and Tim Mc Inerney dissect the election results, discuss how a number of upsets from the Democratic Unionist Party indicate the party seriously miscalculated on Brexit, and bring you fresh analysis from the election frontlines. Unionist political commentator Sarah Creighton tells us how Northern Ireland is reacting to the results and what it means for loyalism. Chatham House analyst Pepijn Bergsen tells us how the remaining members of the European Union are reacting. MEP and First Vice President of the European Parliament Mairead McGuinness tells us why Brexit is far from over and what lies ahead in the next phase of the negotiations.

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Featuring editing by Alan Meaney http://alanmeaney.ie/ .

Season 3 of The Irish Passport podcast is made with the kind support of Biddy Murphy, online sellers of genuine Irish goods. Check them out on www.biddymurphy.com.

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A text transcript of this episode is available here: https://theirishpassport.com/transcripts/transcript-what-the-uk-election-means-for-ireland-brexit-and-the-union/

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