The War of Independence was the moment in which Ireland threw off British rule and emerged as a state. The dramatic events that took place and the beliefs that informed them would shape the emerging nation, and play a role up until the present day. Tim and Naomi break down the events of 1919-1921 in this series of episodes, starting with the establishment of Ireland’s revolutionary parliament: the First Dáil.
A bonus extra episode about this topic is available for Patreon supporters in which Naomi and Tim debrief, discuss what stood out to them in the making of the episode, and share their insights into this fascinating era of history. To hear it you can sign up here: https://www.patreon.com/theirishpassport
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Video footage from 1917 of the crowds in Dublin turning out to welcome back Countess Markievicz, after she was released from prison where she was serving time for her role in the Easter Rising: