Conquest: Making Ireland English

The Irish Passport
The Irish Passport
Conquest: Making Ireland English

In the period from 1534 to 1653 Ireland was profoundly transformed. At the start, it was almost entirely Gaelic, ruled by Gaelic clans with an ancient way of life, and unique legal and political system. A hundred years later, Ireland was unrecognisable. In this first part of our new mini series, Conquest, Tim and Naomi set the scene for the profound transformation of the island of Ireland by colonial invasion.

A bonus episode in which Naomi and Tim discuss the making of this episode and what stood out to them is now available for Patreon supporters here:

Breaking: Santa Granted Acess to Irish Air Space

The Irish Passport
The Irish Passport
Breaking: Santa Granted Acess to Irish Air Space

Every year the Irish government and national media lend their full attention to the arrival of Santa Claus on the island of Ireland, and discuss the various logistics of his visit to every child in the country. In this mini bonus episode, we bring you this most important news story of the year, and explain how, for a few days every December, Santa dominates the parliamentary agenda of Dáil Éireann.

Ireland’s Imposter Aristocrats

The Irish Passport
The Irish Passport
Ireland's Imposter Aristocrats

Tim published a book! 

How does nobility work as a power strategy,  why does it bear so many curious similarities to the construct of race, and what does all of this have to do with Ireland?

We delve into Tim’s book,  “Nobility and the Making of Race in Eighteenth-Century Britain”, published by Bloomsbury Academic this autumn, and uncover the intricate power dynamics of Irish nobility in the eighteenth century. We find out how during this age of colonial expansion European naturalists began to classify global populations according to ancient traditions of blood hierarchy, reimagining white Europeans as the natural aristocracy of mankind. We also explore how the very idea of “natural nobility” in Ireland at this time brought up profound anxieties, revealing a dangerous power vacuum at the heart of colonial rule.   

Listeners can buy “Nobility and the Making of Race in Eighteenth-Century Britain” on the Bloomsbury Publishing website:

Patreon members benefit from early access to this episode — thank you for keeping the show running! If you would like access to our 100+ episodes of extra content and support the continued making of show along the way, you can sign up at

Ireland and the Israel-Palestine conflict

The Irish Passport
The Irish Passport
Ireland and the Israel-Palestine conflict

As the world reels from the horrific Hamas attack on Israel and its deadly retribution on the Gaza Strip, Ireland has emerged as a prominent player in the European response to the worsening conflict.

In this episode, Naomi and Tim sum up the current situation and explain some of the historical context that explains why Ireland has traditionally been one of the most sympathetic western countries towards the Palestinian cause.

The two sides of this conflict have long been adopted by rival communities in Northern Ireland, with Irish republicans flying the Palestinian flag and British loyalists identifying with Israel. The episode reviews some of the lesser-known historical links between Ireland and the foundation of Israel, exploring the complexities of a time when the relationship between Zionism and Irish Republicanism was not the same as it is now.

Finally, Naomi describes her reporting on the confused European response and why Ireland has emerged as a prominent voice.

Tragically, after the recording of this episode we learned that the missing Irish citizen Kim Damti was confirmed dead. Our deepest condolences to her family.

Thank you so much to all our Patreon supporters for helping us make this podcast. You can support us on:

What does the “Troubles Legacy Bill” mean for Northern Ireland?

The Irish Passport
The Irish Passport
What does the "Troubles Legacy Bill" mean for Northern Ireland?

We’re back and diving straight into breaking politics, as Naomi explains the chilling implications of the UK government’s new “Northern Ireland Troubles Legacy Bill”. This controversial new law has provoked outrage from across the communities of Northern Ireland, uniting unionist and nationalist political parties against it. But what does this law entail, how will it affect the people of Northern Ireland, and why does it represent a tense new chapter in British-Irish relations? We explain all.

Listeners to this episode might be interested in these previous instalments of the Irish Passport Podcast:
Poetry and Pain:

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